How to Help with EML’s Development?

To help the rapid Enhanced Media Library development please don’t hesitate to report bugs or issues you encounter testing or using its Beta. Here are some things I’m especially interested in your feedback on: Is the Admin Clear to you? Were you able find the settings? Were the admin pages clear enough? Are the setting […]

New Licensing & Pricing

Subscription model With the 3.0 upgrade, Enhanced Media Library PRO is moving to a yearly subscription model instead of a one-time purchase. Affordable Pricing The price will start from $10 a year for 3 domains. Also, you still have a chance to buy a lifetime license before the switch. Lifetime licenses remain valid All lifetime […]

Enhanced Media Library 3.0 is coming

Officially! EML 3.0 Early Beta is available for testing Hi! I am Nadia, an author of the Enhanced Media Library plugin and I am excited to announce that a major upgrade to the Enhanced Media Library is coming and an early beta is now available for testing. Please note, this is an initial early beta […]