If you face an issue uploading a file type other than font or vCard, please create a support ticket.

Uploading Fonts

To allow uploading fonts please use font/ttf MIME type for ttf font files in the settings on WP admin page Media > MIME Types.

The same applies to other font types like otf or woff. Use font/otf and font/woff respectfully.

If you already have ttf in your admin and its MIME type looks like application/ttf or anything else not starting with font/ this would not work. Neither EML nor WP will consider such files as a font and will not inspect or verify such file types at all.

In case you already have this row in your admin just delete it, save options, and then re-create with:

  • ttf as extension
  • font/ttf as MIME type
  • other options at your discretion.

A better and more user-friendly admin that will not require a user to know MIME types is coming.

Uploading vCards

Please use text/vcard as MIME type for vcf file extension in the settings on WP admin page Media > MIME Types.

If you already have vcf in your admin and its MIME type isn’t text/vcard just delete it, save options, and then re-create with:

  • vcf as extension
  • text/vcard as MIME type
  • other options at your discretion.

A better and more user-friendly admin that will not require a user to know MIME types is coming.

Try to just re-save permalinks settings. Go to Settings > Permalinks and push Save Changes button.

Since Media Categories is just an ordinary WordPress custom taxonomy, you can use any plugin that allows re-ordering custom taxonomies. I recommend Anything Order by Terms.

By default EML adds its filters to any media popup that already contains native WordPress filters. If a third-party plugin or theme supports native WordPress filters, EML will enhance them.

If a third-party plugin or theme does not support WordPress native filters, but you believe that you need them, try Force filters option (Settings > Media Taxonomies (tab) > Options). It allows forcing media filters for ANY media popup regardless of what was intended by its creator.

Right now it is not possible with a shortcode. The feature will be included to the next major 3.0 release. Right now you can use the plugin called Document Gallery or try the code like this:

You can use plugins like Search & Filter for this purpose.

The plugin enhances WordPress gallery shortcode in most gentle manner possible. Since v2.1.5 the mechanism of the enhancement is dramatically improved to avoid possible conflicts. In most cases Enhanced Media Library is compatible with any plugin that changes native WP gallery template in order to provide lightbox, carousel, slideshow, grid/mosaic functionality.

That said, other plugins might override WP gallery attributes or database query for media items in a way that would prevent Enhanced Media Library from displaying correct set of media items for gallery.

If you find a possible conflict and prefer third-party features to taxonomy-based gallery of the plugin, please deactivate the feature (unset Enhanced media shortcodes option on Settings > Media Library (tab) > Media Shortcodes) and let us know about the issue. We would like to find a solution!

If you are a plugin/theme developer please read Enhanced Media Shortcode Possible Conflicts

Your server can simply not have enough time when processing a lot of media items. Increase max_execution_time to 300 (5 minutes) and try again. Increasing memory_limit could help as well.

You can deactivate and delete the free version at any moment of installing the PRO. The plugin does NOT delete any data from the database on (de)activation, so all your media items and categories will remain intact.

Media categories and their ties with your media items are stored in the database. When you deactivate and delete the free version and then upload and activate the PRO one, nothing happens to the database.

Read Installing PRO and Activating Your License

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